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Get a Job with Benefits

  • $21
    Per Hour

    Starting Pay
    w/ Benefits, on Avg

  • $72,320
    Avg Pay

    Average Postal
    Worker’s Annual Pay

  • All Zip

    Accepted Now

  • 1,500 New
    Hires Weekly

    100,000 Hired
    in Last 2 years

The us postal service
is hiring now

Get a Job with Benefits


The Career You Need!

Entry level positions earn $21 per hour on average. These jobs can lead to other amazing positions and are the gateway to a life long career.

The Hiring Process

The hiring process is the same for all entry level jobs. It starts online. And with the resources we provide it will make it a much easier process, so be sure to take advantage of them.

No experience is necessary and all hiring decisions are made by local postal authorities and are based on how well you perform in this hiring process, not how well you have done in the past.

The USPS is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

  • Apply Online

    Apply for the job you
    want online

  • Take an Assessment

    Receive assessment preparation
    materials from us

  • Have an Interview

    Receive interview help
    from us

Did You Know?

After 20 years, career employees make a six figure income

Career employees receive full federal benefits and a retirement plan

The average postal worker makes just over $72,000 a year with benefits

A postal career could be yours in several days

Veterans and Reservists receive a preference benefit during the selection process

*According to USPS